Read: Healthy Gut, Flat Stomach: The Fast and Easy Low-FODMAP Diet Plan PDF

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Read: Healthy Gut, Flat Stomach: The Fast and Easy Low-FODMAP Diet Plan PDF

"Download" Healthy Gut, Flat Stomach: The Fast and Easy Low-FODMAP Diet Plan PDF

By Danielle Capalino

Healthy Gut, Flat Stomach: The Fast and Easy Low-FODMAP Diet Plan

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Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.


Beat bloat and discomfort with the scientifically proven, easy-to-follow, low-FODMAP plan.There are a lot of myths about beating stomach bloat and getting a flat tummy, but the FODMAP approach has been scientifically proven to work for both. FODMAPs are sugars found in certain foods that can be hard to digest, and can cause discomfort, gas, and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) symptoms. Some of the most nutritious foods around are high in these sugars, frustrating people who eat well but still hav...

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