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free ebook The Badass Life: 30 Amazing Days to a Lifetime of Great Habits--Body, Mind, and Spirit PDF

[Ebook Library] The Badass Life: 30 Amazing Days to a Lifetime of Great Habits--Body, Mind, and Spirit PDF

By Christmas Abbott

The Badass Life: 30 Amazing Days to a Lifetime of Great Habits--Body, Mind, and Spirit

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“Books support us in our solitude and keep us from being a burden to ourselves.” –Jeremy Collier


The CrossFit superstar and author of the bestselling The Badass Body Diet is back with a day-by-day guide designed to encourage habit change through fun, dynamic daily tasks challenging your mind, body, and spirit.Christmas Abbott knows the importance of a badass lifestyle; physically, mentally, and spiritually. The key is balance: using essential daily practices for the mind, body, and soul. The Badass Life is her month-long-program based on building positive daily habits, to help you achieve...

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