Read: Mindfulness in Plain English PDF

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Read: Mindfulness in Plain English PDF

Download ebook: Mindfulness in Plain English PDF

By Bhante Henepola Gunaratana

Mindfulness in Plain English

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“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” -Walt Disney


“A masterpiece.”
—Jon Kabat-Zinn

With over a quarter of a million copies sold, Mindfulness in Plain English is one of the most influential books in the burgeoning field of mindfulness and a timeless classic introduction to meditation. This is a book that people read, love, and share - a book that people talk about, write about, reflect on, and return to over and over again.
Bhante Gunaratana is also the author of Eight Mindful Steps to Happiness, Beyond Mindfulness in Plain...

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